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7 Steps to getting started something new this summer

Getting started something new = how to stop procrastinating

The secret to success is getting started… right?
But turns out, it’s much easier to talk about it than to start something new. Particularly if you’re busy with school, your current job, freelance work, being a parent, etc…

Often finding the time and enthusiasm to get started on something new can be tough.
Maybe you seem to appear to have mountains of time to start new things, but every week you find yourselves moved over to the new week’s list, completely untouched.
Sometimes, knowing you have a great idea you want to start, but not knowing how to, and you freeze.
But not this summer!

If you don’t try, you’ll never reap the possible rewards! So, whether your idea is a great new blog, that class, a business with your friend, or looking for a job, this is the time to stop procrastinating and get started.
Here are 7 steps that I’ve found useful in the past, and need to put into practice again!

7 Steps to getting started something new this summer

1. Work out what your idea is 

It’s so easy to want to start something new, without being clear about what it is.
Consider what your idea is, why you want to do it and what you are hoping to achieve.
If you’ve got a bunch of ideas, choose the one that you feel towards the most, this will be the most simple for you to put into action.

2. Small steps

If every week you put on your list that significant thing that you want to do, you’ll probably ignore it for years because you don’t know where to begin.
The first step to getting started is breaking your idea down into the smallest steps possible. List them out. Chances are once you do that you’ll see that none of them are impossible, which will make you very motivated!

3. Timing

It’s easy to put something off because of timing. Timing related reasons can be endless when it comes to starting something new, and trust me you can continue to make them forever.
But consider, chances are the timing is never going to be right, starting something new is hard, and that’s never going to change.
Rather than not starting because of the timing, why not take some small steps towards getting started now!

4. 3 small things at day

Talking about small steps, once you’ve got them listed out, do three of them!
It’s easy to think of yourself as done and dusted once you have the list of steps, but the only way to get started is to get started! Pick three things off the list and do them today.
Each one will probably take you no more than 10 minutes, but once you’ve done them you’ll know that you started today, congrats!

5. Talk about it

Usually, I’m someone who avoids talking about something until it’s finished. I think that’s just superstition but the problem with keeping everything bottled up inside is that you miss out on all the positives involved with verbalizing an idea.
For many of us, it’s because we’re not 100% confident and are afraid of other people’s expectations or criticisms, which is natural!

6. Perfection doesn’t exist

Overthinking an idea or feeling like it needs to be perfect can be a significant roadblock.
Ideas and concepts evolve, and unless you get started, you won’t be able to go through that process. They don’t need to be perfect at the beginning to be great in the end, so just make a start.

7. Avoid distractions

Something can happen that you might have the motivation to start something, and take the first few steps, but then falter on the next ones, and let the idea drift. Or make sure you don’t get distracted by a new idea. Stick with the one you’ve started, commit to the time it will take and, as they say, finish what you started!

I know it’s going to be a lot of work, and tonnes of juggling, but hopefully it will be worth it!


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