So you’ve mastered the art of peace and harmony inside your home, but what happens when you need a little Feng Shui for your outdoor space?
The patio, pergola, or backyard is where most of your summertime will be spent, so you might as well make it a place of calm.
In Feng Shui, summer’s high temperatures and bright sunshine are associated with yang energy.
To balance this intense yang energy, focus Feng Shui for your outdoor space on rearrangements like cooling down or adding counterbalancing yin or quieter energy.
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Below are 5 tips for bringing some feng shui to your outdoors.

1. Clear the Area

That means washing the surface and clearing out old furniture and decor that is broken or unnecessary.
A component of achieving harmony through feng shui is surrounding yourself with the things you love, which can significantly increase your energy and happiness.
2. Consult Your Bagua

The Bagua is the main chart of feng shui. It relates to all aspects of your life and helps you understand where specific furniture and decor should be placed. Once you have it handy, you can arrange your outdoor seating area into the family area of the bagua so that space feels as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Your grill can be placed in the health or wealth corner as a reminder of an abundance of food.
3. Be Mindful of Your Senses

According to feng shui principles, you should be sure to decorate your outdoor space with aromatic herbs or fragrant flowers, wind chimes, or a small fountain.
These smells and sounds will help keep you serene and grounded while entertaining or lounging alone during the summertime.
4. The Color Schemes

Color is incredibly important in achieving feng shui. When planting your flowers, include purple or blue varieties in the wealth corner. White, pink, and red flowers in the romance and marriage corner. If you have a fence, paint it red or green; they are lucky colors!
5. Keep cactus outdoors

Cactus should be in outdoor areas where they can do the job nature intended: protect themselves and their environment.
The bottom line is that cactuses, like indoor plants, are very dangerous to pets, children, and adults.

Gather up your magic & make your outdoor dreams come true!