There is some unspoken rule among babies: if it can be put in your mouth, it will be.
As a mom of three, I know very well!
Teether, toys, remote, dog’s toy (cat, for us)… it all goes to the same place. And with all those things going in baby’s chomper, creating a safe kids room is essential.
That’s why you must be careful about the houseplants you choose for their space.
Below is a collection of 10 plants that look great and that are non-toxic & air-cleaning.
Before we delve into it, I want to share that the post contains affiliate links. Using these links, you support our creative community and help sustain the magic of our knitting journey.

Everyone can enjoy your houseplants if you practice plant safety and choose suitable, non-toxic plants. Remember that even a non-toxic plant (even grass) can make pets appear sick if they overeat. They may experience vomiting or diarrhea, but ingesting non-toxic plants will not be fatal.
Constantly monitor children when introducing plants. Some children may have skin allergies to certain plants. In these cases, plants can be kept out of reach, or children can be taught not to touch.
10 non-toxic plants for your kids’ room
1. Nerve Plants (Fittonia Albivenis)
The nerve plants are known for their distinctive feathery veins. Although the most common color is white, you can also find other colors: pale pink variety, yellow and red.
These plants need constant moisture and shouldn’t ever dry out, so terrariums are a location for these humidity-loving plants. They also don’t like full sunlight, and their leaves will brown with too much exposure.
via Flickr
2. Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’)
The snake plant is a carefree, tough succulent that grows almost anywhere. It doesn’t need much water or light, making it perfect for brown thumbs. Allow the soil to dry between waterings, especially in winter.
via welltended
3. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’)
Boston fern‘s lush arching, dangling fronds are especially suited to hanging baskets, but they also look great on a pedestal. Give the plant medium to bright light, high humidity, and evenly moist soil to ensure success.
via countrylivin
4. Baby Rubber (Peperomia obtusifolia or Ficus robusta)
Believe it or not, this little plant can grow pretty significant. But the best part is that it won’t die immediately when you forget to water it.
via A Beautiful Mess
5. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
Spider plant is an excellent choice for beginners. It likes average room temperature and humidity. Brown leaf tips are a common problem on spider plants due to over-fertilization, low humidity, or dry soil conditions. Keep the soil slightly moist and avoid using fluoridated water on the plant.
via inc
6. African violet (Saintpaulia)
You only have to buy one or two plants of those violets, and the leaves will soon provide you with a whole collection.
Warning: little hands will probably want to pick mini bouquets for you.
via flo
7. Warneck Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’)
Dracaenas grow well at average room temperatures but don’t like cold drafts. Give plants medium to bright light to maintain the best leaf color. Allow the soil to dry to the touch between waterings.
via joyusgarden
8. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)
While you may not immediately think of a cactus for a baby’s room, this one is safe to touch and creates beautiful blooms in the winter. Perhaps the safest of all houseplants! Like many other succulents, the Christmas cactus can be easily propagated from a stem cutting.
via BHG
9. Maranta red prayer plant (Maranta leucomeura)
Grow red prayer-plants in bright indoor light. Avoid putting them in direct sun. Place the pots in a pot on a tray of wet pebbles to increase humidity, or grow them in a humidified room.
via homeguides
10. Jade plant (Crassula ovata)
The jade plant is a thick, meaty succulent with beautiful glossy leaves. It is evergreen, which makes it pleasant as a year-round houseplant.
It can be easily propagated by placing a trimmed stem in water until roots form. This makes it easy to extend your plant collection.
Under optimum conditions, certain species of the jade plant can grow close to 6 feet tall.
via vayuimplant
Many of these plants you may already have, or you may know someone with a few. If you have toxic plants, consider a “plant swap” with a friend who may have child-safe plants but has no children.
This is much kinder than simply throwing plants out in the trash to die, and you and your friends will all have the chance to experiment with new plants.