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Improving Your Rental: a new series

Your home is your haven, but sometimes a rental can leave a lot to be desired when it comes to beauty and coziness.
I will start a series “Improving Your Rental” with tips and projects that can help transform a dull and boring house into something gorgeous and unique that you can call home.

There’s a lot to be said about the flexibility of renting: you can move every now and again, you can pack it all in and go traveling and hey! No mortgage.
I know well, in our eight years of wedding we have moved six times!
And one of those was because we were going on a very long trip around New Zealand, Australia, and Japan!
So yeah, I love the sense of liberty of renting, but now that my older daughter has started 1st grade I want more stability.
So we will rent just waiting for bought a right house (or build one)!

But just because you’re renting your home doesn’t mean you can’t have fun decorating it, get creative, and making it your own.

Improving Your Rental

When it comes to decorating, renting can present a bit of a challenge, with bathroom renovations, kitchen upgrades and other major changes pretty much out of the question.
In case you’re looking at your rented space thinking ‘I wish I could pull that wall down’, never fear, there are plenty of ways to update and personalize your space without getting structural. And even if you do live in your own home, these little tweaks are useful as a means of updating your space without blowing the budget.
And, when you do spend money, think long-term and spend on materials that can be repurposed in a future home.

For my series “Improving Your Rental”, I’m looking at landlord-approved ways to make your space more personalized with easy DIY tricks.

The most important thing to do is to check your lease to understand what really shouldn’t be tampered with. Some will be more relaxed than others.
If you’re looking to take the upgrades a little bit further and away from purely the cosmetic, simply ask your landlord what they think, and know that often you may have to revert the space to original condition when you leave.

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