Never heard about Myers-Briggs personality test?
Neither am I until my husband had taken the test at work.
Who knew that it could bring so much clarity to our life?
The Myers-Briggs personality test looks deep into you, and show you the way you look at the world. And once you get in tune, everything is more simple in life.
Including how you decorate your own home.
It’s not about style–your personality type has very little effect on whether you prefer minimalism or boho style.
Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert the way we organize our homes has an undeniable impact on our state of mind.
I’ve tried to identify some small truths about personality that correlate to things you can do as you decorate in your unique way, so you can make your home more like a deeply personal space.
As an introvert (INFJ here!) my living space is cozy and functional by nature, facilitating my family day-to-day activities and my beloved alone time.
If you don’t already know your Myers-Briggs personality type, take the free test here.
Once you know your Myers-Briggs type (I’m curious, let me know!), break it down letter-by-letter and check out what each those means for your home decor:

Extraversion (E)
Create a space for entertaining. You’ll feel happiest in a space with open spaces and a lot of seating. Comfy pull-out sofas and daybeds are the obvious choices.
Always have fresh flowers which never fails to make a guest feel welcome.
Introversion (I)
Create a retreat. As an introvert, you enjoy spending time alone, so when decorating your space, give yourself a place to do just that, like a reading nook. A family of introverts like mine might want to make sure there are plenty of those at home!

Sensing (S)
You’re a very practical, present-minded thinker, so chances are you don’t have a lot of stuff.
While a good Spring Clean (whenever it happens) is always welcome, sometimes you want to go even further than that and streamline your style, too.
Consider embracing some aspects of minimalist living. Form over function when you’re buying for your space.
Intuition (N)
Make decorating decisions for yourself, and not according to any advice or rulebook or trend.
Make sure your room has personality and reflects you, and surround yourself with the things you love.
You might not understand why you feel the way you do about choosing a paint color or where to hang a picture, but it’s got to be a great choice.

Thinking (T)
Thinkers are strategists, skilled at analyzing the situation and coming up with the perfect solution. For that reason, you shouldn’t feel shackled to conventional advice, because you are the most qualiffied person to determine how to create a home that works for you.
Feeling (F)
Feelers are sensitive to others. They enjoy giving gifts, so figure out what that means for you–entertaining? baking?–and make sure your home supports that. Create a relaxing space with amenities like a coffee station, home bar or spa-bathroom.

Judging (J)
You have an organized nature. You like to plan in advance and do things step-by-step.
Make that a part of your home, too. Keep your calendars and to-do-lists on display and invest in everything-in-its-place home organizers.
Perceiving (P)
You are a free spirit. You love to keep your options open, improvising and making things up as you go. So redecorate often. Find new ways to use your old furniture. Switch things up as often as possible!

What’s your personality type? Do you relate with my list of decorating?