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1 Year Challenge: 52 weeks of knit stitches. Weeks 1-4

My goal this year is to expand my knitting knowledge, which I haven’t really done and it’s already May.
Learning new stitches is a great way to improve your knitting skills and opens a whole new world of knitting patterns.
So, I thought I could use this opportunity to find some like-minded people to join me on my adventure.

My project is 52 weeks of knit stitches.
Ambitious, but not impossible. In one week I think you’ll find a half of an hour to knit. And you are a knitter, so it isn’t like you gave up.

Every Monday on my Instagram, I will give you a new stitch to try. (As you can see, I started yesterday!) Join me every Monday and share your progress with the hashtag #52weeksofknitstitches

Each week, the stitches will increase in difficulty level, and by the end of this challenge, you’ll have mastered everything from simple knits and purls to complicated and intricate lace that you’ll love to show off.

This month’s stitches

Week 1: Garter stitch

Cast on any number of stitches. Knit every row.

Week 2: Stockinette stitch (St st)

Cast on any number of stitches.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl
Repeat rows 1 and 2.

Week 3: Ribbing – knit one, purl one (K1, P1)

Cast on an odd number of stitches.
Row 1: Knit one, *purl one, knit one; repeat from * to end.
Row 2: Purl one, *knit one, purl one; repeat from * to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Pro tip: work twisted rib to make your rib stitch look neater and more defined.
It’s a really simple change to your standard rib stitch, where you knit into the back of the stitches rather than the front but it creates the rib stitch I was looking for; neat, even columns of knit and purl stitches.
Twisted rib step by step:
1. Knit one twisted knit stitch by holding the yarn behind your work. Insert the right needle into the back of the next stitch, on the left needle, wrap the yarn, pull it through as for a normal knit stitch and slip off the left needle.
2. Work the purl stitches in twisted purl. Hold the yarn in front of the work. Insert the right needle into the BACK of the next stitch from left to right. Wrap and pull it through as for a regular stitch. Then slip the stitch off the left needle.

Week 4: Seed stitch

Cast on an even number of sts.
Row 1: * K1, p1; repeat from * to end.
Row 2: * P1, k1; repeat from * to end.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 for the pattern.

1 Year Challenge: 52 weeks of knit stitches
Photography by: THE MORRISONS

Join me every Monday and share your progress with the hashtag #52weeksofknitstitches

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