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August favorite

This month has been pretty great actually. I turn 37 August 1st, start to eat better, restart to workout and… I’m feeling great!
September first is just a few days away, and I sincerely can’t believe it. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Here are a few things I have loved most this month. Enjoy!


So in love with all shell necklaces and anklets, I found them on Instagram searching craft for kids and wow! All the shells.
I’ve noticed PVC bags coming trending right now, should we knit one to insert inside? I found this one and it’s a lovely idea if you collect pins!


Wrapping all the ugly vases in raffia basket.
Gotta love adding more green to the house, How to Propagate Succulents should be super helpful!
I simply love my shelves, I want to make one more for my crystal collection!


I just finished If You See Me Don’t Say Hi, I really liked it! Kind of melancholy but very beautiful.
There are so many ramen cookbooks out there! But what drew me to this one is the full collection of recipes all in one place.


Do you know there is an albino alligator at the California Academy of Sciences? His name is Claude, and he has a complete lack of pigment.
My husband discovered a fabulous crystal shop in Sausalito. Here you can see all crystals up close, at all angles, handle them and feel the energy directly.

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