Plot your course of action prior to beginning the pattern with this project planner, an instant-download digital PDF file designed specifically for knitters.
Tell me honestly, how many projects do you have on the go right now? Have you ever started working on multiple projects and ended up forgetting about them? Or maybe you make changes to a pattern and can’t recreate it next time? Well, you’re not alone.
Most crafty and creative people get so caught up in new ideas and wanting to make all the things that some projects fall through the gaps.
After too many unfinished WIP I start to think about planning.
Planners and tracking tools have made my life easier, I use planners for my blog and my daily tasks.
I did find some planners from a bunch of different places, but then I realize that I don’t need an entire planner for my knitting project.
Also, I wanted a clean, neat look that I just wasn’t going to get with all different kinds of branding from different places.
So I made my own and filled it with all of the notes to keeping WIPs organized, and getting more done.
Knit Project Planner – FREE download
Sign up at the end of this page for this free knit planner you can use to plan and organize your projects.
Inside My Knit Planner
The first page is the main project planner page, where you can write down all the info for projects you’re planning to do (or the ones you’ve already finished and want to document).
Use this page to record everything about the pattern so you don’t have any problem later.
There are spaces to write down all the details about the pattern and where you got it, what yarn and needles you used, the difficulty of the pattern, and whether or not you made any customizations or changes to the pattern.
This is super helpful in case you need to recreate it.
And finally, because I use this all the time, I thought I’d share my very own graph paper with you. This handy printable graph paper for knitting is a dot page and is perfect for designing or sketching.
This is the brain dump page where I can just write it all out and describe what I’m going for. I like to write down the colors and stitches I’ll use and what gave me the idea, but you can add anything you like.
You can use them as a to-do list where you can write down all the projects you have yet to do. I left enough room there to write out what the project is and what supplies you’ll need to for it.

Stay on track by taking detailed notes while following any knit pattern, never forget which yarn you used, the modifications you made, the pattern source, etc