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Advent Calendar 2019: 24-simple patterns – Day 24

December has just flown by, and this is the last day of my advent calendar!
I truly hope you have enjoyed this advent calendar because I’ve had the best time.
Merry Christmas to all!

Day 24 in the 24-simple advent patterns: Pom pom garland

The last surprise is a garland, fun and easy to make.
You can choose the length, the size and colors of the pom-poms and how many to add!
So dig into that stash of leftover yarns and pick out the colors you want!

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The Pom pom garland features 17 pom-poms on a string.
Knitting skill level: Easy, perfect project for new knitters

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Pom pom maker

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There are plenty of ways to make pom-poms at home, with or without a pom-pom maker! A simple Google search will reveal many different ways like using your hands or toilet paper rolls, or a fork, etc, …

To make an individual pom-pom, I’m using the pom pom maker:

With your yarn, double wrap both sides of your pom-pom maker.
Use your scissors to cut along the middle of your pom-pom maker.
With your extra piece of string tie a tight knot, securing the pom-pom piece together.
Trim the excess pieces of the pom-pom.

Make as many pom-poms as you can!

Next thread your pom-pom’s onto a long piece of yarn making a knot so you can hang it.

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Cut three strands of yarn approximately 60″ / 152 cm long.
Tie them at the end. Begin to twist them and continue twisting.
Tie the end together. Cut the ends and trim so they are even.

Hang the pom-poms on the string.

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