I’m talking about how you can create a content creation schedule that you can stick to.
You know it’s all about the content, so having a routine will help you to create content you love in no time.
Let’s start with the basics. Create a Content Calendar is as simple as ABC.
In the beginning, you have to choose your social channel (or channels), then make a content library. So you can start crafting your posts and start scheduling.
I suggest you have a document with brand standards for your content, to use as a tool for a quick reference in creating consistent content.
Every content must include
• A goal: a specific and measurable goal, like: I want people to do… Every content you create needs a defined goal so you can measure it later: did it deliver that?
• A feeling: It should be approachable, smart, friendly, and relatable. You have to be brilliant at explaining and showing something.
• Audience: avoid using terms that refer to the masses. You want to speak to that one person.
3 rules to create a content calendar
• Be consistent. Let people know when to expect new content. Daily, weekly, monthly? It’s up to you.
• Don’t rush. Don’t force out content! Don’t create and publish on the same day; the world will not crumble if you miss a day.
• Be real. Focus on what you love the most, take your skill, and use them to share content with the world.

Once you’ve planned your content calendar, you should engage with your followers and track the success of your efforts.