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Want To Start A Morning Routine But Can’t Find Time Or Energy To Do It?

With the work, knit, school, … how do you find the time in your life to start a morning routine if you can barely manage with what you are doing?
This is what I hear a lot of times, and at points in my life, it was my constant battle: wanting to change but lacking the time and energy to do it.
Sometimes we discover that even though we are so ready, our lifestyle and circumstances are making things feel impossible.

If you’re struggling to find the time and energy to start a morning routine that you want or need to make for your wellness and well-being, I will show how you can find your way, despite the genuine challenges!

I’m a believer that change doesn’t just happen. It requires research and planning at times. I’m also a big believer that change happens more easily when we are excited about that change. So drop out the negative voices and power up your morning.

  1. Visualize for a few minutes! Next time you hit snooze, take a few minutes to close your eyes and resist the urge to sleep more and decide to visualize something that makes you excited. Just close your eyes and imagine.
    I know, getting up 30 minutes earlier or an hour earlier may feel impossible… but after a few days, if you are waking up to all your favorite feel-great activities, you’ll start to jump out of bed an hour earlier.
  2. Mix in some aromatherapy. Don’t even worry if it is the “right” essential oil; just pick a high-quality essential oil that you just love to smell. Add in natural and delicious fragrance with aromatherapy, and your senses will be compelled in the morning.
  3. Stretch. Yoga is fantastic in the morning. A few minutes of stretching is an excellent start on the road to morning yoga. I use two apps, FitOn, and 8fit.
  4. Eat a healthy breakfast. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming. There are plenty of protein shake or protein bar options out there that will offer plenty of grab-and-go nutrition. You can also try yogurt and berries, overnight oats, or toast topped with avocado, egg, or peanut butter. When you eat a healthy, protein-filled breakfast, you’ll discover that you have more energy to start your day.
  5. Affirm the day. People talk a whole lot about affirmations, so doing them! Pick any phrase you want that makes sense with your life and say it! Over and over again!
  6. To-do list. Write down the top things you need to accomplish each day. Your to-do list can help guide you through all the demanding tasks that need your attention each day, from preparing for launch to putting your samples together.
  7. Creative reflection. Take a few minutes out of your morning to focus on some of the original elements of your knit business, whether that’s putting together a stunning new marketing campaign or working on new clothing. Some days, this may look more like perusing fashion magazines and keeping up with the latest trends, while other days, it may mean getting in there and playing with colors and stitches. Spending a little time in creative reflection each day can help improve your mood and make you remember why you love what you do.

Whatever you decide to try, incorporate then gradually into your life.
It won’t always be instant to generate a morning routine, so giving yourself space to build it slowly will help you to make it in the right ways for you.
It’s jarring to make significant changes sometimes, so let the small steps build.

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