For most of us, it’s a lot more fun to talk about creativity than the organization. Creativity might be driving your design idea, or maybe you have a product that you love creating.
But creativity is only part of the equation.
Yes, you do a lot of creative stuff, but you also have to do all the work to make sure those ideas turn into high-quality patterns. I.e., you have to be organized, too.
I believe anyone has the ability to get more organized, and, trust me, having all the details of your business under control truly frees up your spirit!
These are some of the systems and strategies that work for me.
Set milestones
Break down big deadlines into smaller deadlines so that you’re not scrambling to do everything at once.
Track your time
Knowing how long things really take helps you maximize what you can do.
Don’t do the same work twice
Anything you repeatedly do, for example, sending a follow-up email to testers, should have a template, so you’re not starting over from scratch each time.
The financial stuff
You have to stay organized here to have a sustainable career and keep doing the things you do love.
Get the right tools
There’s so much technology that opens up possibilities. Email just isn’t the best way to communicate every time.
Bring in some help
Compare notes with other business owners in your field. You could even enlist a coach or consultant to help you think differently and discover solutions you might not have found on your own.

Bringing a great brand to life takes both creativity and organization!