Gavriella’s calming pictures are often in my IG feed, and I was eager to learn more about her work because I always love the beautiful colors in her yarns.
I had the chance to do an exclusive interview with Gavriella. Yarn dyer, knitter, crocheter, owner of HelloGavriella, where I asked her questions about her business and so much more!
I think you’ll all enjoy learning more about Gavriella; she is a true master of coziness and colors.

1. Tell a little about yourself.
Hi! My name is Gavriella and I am the dyer and designer over at Hello Gavriella. I am currently located in Austin, Texas where I am surrounded by 2 little boys, a loving and supportive husband, and a pup named Blu.
2. What inspired you to start your business as a dyer?
I wanted to create my favorite colors that weren’t always so easy to find in store. This naturally led to natural dyeing as I needed something I would be able to dye up around the whole family. As my brand grew, so did my expectations of my yarn line. Many new things are on their way!
3. What is your favorite part about being a dyer?
Accessibly. Point blank period. I wanted to be able to offer both myself and customers natural options whether it be for allergy issues or accessibly to natural yarns. We can all do it ourselves and that’s what I hope to teach others in the upcoming year.
4. What’s your source of inspiration?
Pinterest. I am an avid believer that anything can be inspired by the collection of art on Pinterest. I have boards on boards on boards to help inspire me on a daily basis. When that isn’t enough, I turn to the people and things I love most in this world. I pick the pieces apart until something sticks.
5. What makes your work special?
It’s all of me. From my hand-dyed yarns to my textured designs, I make things that first make me happy before I present them to the world.
6. How often do you restock?
At least once a month. I try to give as much notice as possible on my updates by adding countdowns and reminders to my feed/stories. But sometimes I just pop up when situations fit me. I’ve never been good at secrets and for that reason, I consider myself more of a spontaneous maker.
7. You have a lot of beautiful skeins. Do you have a favorite shade?
PINK! Anything pink really. Although my brand is taking me down different lanes, pink will always have a special place in my heart.
8. How do you like to spend your time outside of your dyeing work?
Knitting. I am never NOT KNITTING. Even if it means taking a chair to the park or taking my knits to a cookout or on a Sunday drive…I am never not knitting. Knitting is both my happy and safe place.
9. What’s in store for the next season?
Oh, that’s a secret but think cottage core meets knitting. That’s all I’ll say for now. As far as designs, I plan to design more for my warm climate friends because we just do not get enough love.
10. Where can we find you?
You can always find me on Instagram at @GavriellaMakes and for yarn and shop updates you can subscribe to my newsletter at
Happy Making!