Summer is fading quickly, and the last days of August bring a shift in the atmosphere: colors become more profound, flowers are slowly replaced by berries, kids are bundled back to education, and you can breathe a sigh of relief, giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.
Knitting could be your answer if you crave time for yourself and a celebration of patience. For me, the benefits of knitting feed my desire to relax and stay productive at the same time.
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The Art of Slow Living
Slow living is about living our lives at a slower pace by simplifying our lifestyles and taking a slower approach to everyday life.
In slow living, the most critical aspect is mindset. And only with the right mindset can knitting become slow living.
Is Knitting good for Mindfulness?
Science found knitting to be good for us in other ways. Not only can knitting calm you in stressful situations, and the repetitive motions in knitting are like a healing balm to your brain.
The slow, halting gesture of knitting will allow you to muse over the simplicity of the stitches you know and rise to the challenge of using new techniques and materials.
Never Not Knitting? Yes, but with Intention
Don’t hurry to reach self-imposed deadlines or set an unrealistic number of objects knit in a year. Your currency is time, so think carefully about how you spend it. Plan before creating.
I’ve often fallen into the ‘never not knitting’ category of knitters. But different times call for different projects.
A lace, cable, or colorwork project is not the best choice if you’re having a conversation. Miles of stockinette is a better option.
Pick up that advanced pattern when you are sitting by yourself, children are sleeping, and you can get lost in your knitting.
Just one more row before bedtime, right?!
I challenge you to rediscover the special benefits of knitting and embrace the slow-living lifestyle by exploring your WIP pile in a new way.
FEELING INSPIRED? Find your next advanced project!