While your favorite color can say a lot about your personality, your zodiac color helps you live your true essence.
You can channel your shades to enhance your personality and empower your spirit. You will feel a lot like yourself and tap into good energies when your colors for Sagittarius surround you.
How well do you know your sign?
Sagittarius ♐️ is the ninth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. The Sun transits this sign on average from November 22 to December 21. You might know your zodiac as the Mutable Fire sign, and your symbol is the centaur, a half-horse, half-archer. Because it is Mutable, you are adaptable to the point that you seek adventure and disruptions to your routine at all times.
Your ruling planet is Jupiter, your curiosity knows no bounds, and being independent and free is your greatest treasure.

What are the power colors for Sagittarius?
The Sagittarius color is purple. This color is a combination of red and blue, two opposite spectrums of fire colors. When combined to create purple, the powerful energy of fire will embolden and bolster Sagittarius in your quest for spiritual enlightenment.
That’s your power color, a color that pushes your curious mind toward enlightenment and knowledge.
Lighter shades of purple instill your creative energy, helping you think outside the box and heal your mental stress.
Optimistic and funny, your personality is a burst of energy that compliments purple like plum, lavender, or mauve.
Secondary Colors for Sagittarius?
Your zodiac color palette is also made up of royal blue, dark shades of blue, plum, and silver—these are ideal colors for Sagittarius.
Because of their optimistic nature, bright colors like Neon Pink and Burgundy go best with their personalities.

What to avoid in Colors for Sagittarius?
As a Sagittarian, you should best avoid black, orange, and yellow.
The color black can evoke sadness.
Orange may support your impulsive, carefree nature. And is also associated with insincerity which is opposite to your passion for the truth.
The color yellow can induce anxiety and create feelings of frustration. Yellow may overwhelm you, and this isn’t good.
Which Fiber for Sagittarius?
Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius is independent, adventurous, philosophical, and provocative. They seek freedom above all else and aim to attain it as high as possible. To encompass this intrepid spirit, you need a yarn that works in lush projects.
Velvets and Chenille are the best fibers for Sagittarius because of their soft & luxurious feeling pattern we know and love.
Velvet’s fuzz is created by cut threads evenly distributed through the weave, creating a dense, regular pile.
Chenille’s fuzzy texture is caused by its nap, created when the finished fabric is gently brushed, teasing out fibres for a silky feel.
Use Colors for Sagittarius to Transform
You can use Sagittarius colors to transform your life. You can use these color energies to encourage you to make desired changes so you can grow.