If you’re stuck on figuring out the design direction for your next sweater pattern, in the planning stage, you may make a moodboard to help gather thoughts. A moodboard (or […]
Pattern Test process
Pattern Test is an excellent tool in your arsenal when you want to give patterns a trial run before release.If you are a knit designer and if you’re going to […]
The Importance of Pattern Testing
Pattern Testing is essential for a successful pattern release.The test knit process does delay your pattern release, but it helps you find and remediate any issues with your pattern before […]
A Confidence Talk: How to Become a Confident Designer
One of the biggest things holding back pattern release is the lack of a confident designer behind it. In the beginning, I wasn’t a confident designer. I had doubts. I […]
How to Design your Perfect Product Line
The perfect product line will be one that contains products that will bring profit, that is amazing, and that makes sense to your target market. Part of your job as […]
How to be inspired without copying other knit designers
If you usually go online, you know that, with the creative output being freely shared, it’s quite easy to find striking creations that could give you that inspiration to create […]
5 Ways to Boost Productivity as a Knit Designer
How to boost productivity as a knit designer?You can have lots of ideas but not enough time to execute them.If you work from home often, you know how hard it […]
From an Idea to a Knitting Pattern
Yesterday I felt stuck. No, I didn’t have creativity low, I had tons of ideas in my mind, but I just couldn’t get them out into a decent sketch.I saw […]
My Creative Process explained + Checklist
I never thought I had a “creative process” until I started to think about how we have learned along the way that creativity is free and whimsical!But what if you […]