The moon rules the flow not only of fluids but of information and creativity in our bodies.Why should you care?Because this impacts speaking articulation, decision-making processes, and much, much more. […]
Want To Start A Morning Routine But Can’t Find Time Or Energy To Do It?
With the work, knit, school, … how do you find the time in your life to start a morning routine if you can barely manage with what you are doing?This […]
Relaxing Home Rituals
There’s something special in the act of doing relaxing home rituals that help us slow down, and the thoughtfulness of the gesture always shines through.Think about it as an act […]
You Need to Knit for Self-care in Busy Times
It’s summertime, and for some reason, here in California, seems to be the busiest time of the year. Whether you’re getting ready to wrap up a quarter at work, or […]
Absent-Minded? How to Stay Focused with 3 Crystals
Ever have those times where you know you need to get something done but you’d much rather binge-watch something on Netflix? We all have those moments, it’s the downside to […]
Why I Find Comfort and Solace in Knitting
The thing about a hard time is that you have something hard to manage. When you have hard times, spite can feel nice, momentarily, but it doesn’t do much. So, […]
The Most Powerful And Effective Meditation Practice Is Knitting
When I feeling worn and with ruminating thoughts, I sit down and pick up my knitting. With every stitch, I feel my body relax, my breath becomes even, and my […]
Why the Feeling of Home Matters
Introverts are different from each other. But almost all of us have in common is a deep connection with the feeling of home. How does it feel to be home? […]