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Tech Editing Services

Designing a good pattern is only half the story. The pattern has to be understandable so that knitters can use it easily.
Well-written and easy-to-use patterns will ensure that customers return again and again.
This is where a tech editor comes in.
A tech editor’s job is to meticulously read through your patterns top to bottom, line by line, check charts and schematics, and spot any ambiguities, typos, grammar, spelling mistakes, and miscalculated numbers.

My standard tech editing services

• proofread the text of your pattern: spelling and grammar, terminology, and instructions.
• check all the numbers: stitch counts; size grading; gauge/tension calculations; garment measurements.
• check of terminology: glossary; needle and yarn information.
• yarn requirement calculation.
• check instructions/charts.
• consistency: industry sizing and notation standards; with your style.

Add on services

• grading
• charts from written directions.
• written directions from charts.
• pattern schematics.
• translation from English to Italian.
• translation from Italian to English.


The more information you provide, the quicker the check, and the less it will cost! The pattern you submit should include any charts, schematics, photos, and a style sheet if you have one.
After I receive your pattern, I will assess it and let you know how long I estimate it will take and when you can expect it returned.


The current rate for tech editing is $30/hour. Prices vary based on the complexity of the pattern.

Hats, scarves, cowls, and simple accessories – approx. 1.5 -2.5 hrs for three sizes
Socks, gloves, and complex accessories – approx. 2 – 4 hrs
Garments – approx. 4 – 8 hrs, dependent on the size range

Please get in touch with me for further information. My office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm PST.