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5 tips you need to know about getting organized

5 tips you really need to know about getting organized

Disorganization is self-sabotage.
I’m serious. You can hear it. And the people around you can feel your trouble.
Chaos, confusion, energy blocks: they show up in your face, in your eyes and in your ability to express yourself clearly.

And you can not shine in disorder!

I’ve found that the main pitfalls to successfully de-cluttering and organizing our homes do not understand what clutter is, being derailed by unexpected pitfalls and not having rules to work, mainly through a significant amount of clutter smoothly.
And sometimes it’s hard to tell what “clutter” is.
Basically, clutter is anything standing in between you and the house you want.
Any item – no matter how expensive or valuable or useful – is clutter if it doesn’t contribute to your goals.

So now that we know what clutter is there, let’s get rid of it!

As much as I love organizing, sometimes it’s not all roses and flowers.
When we know what we’re getting ourselves into, it’s easier to work through it.
Following are 5 tips you need to know about getting organized.

1. You’re going to make a great mess

Any current mess will get worse before it gets better.

2. Double or triple the time

Do you think it will take some time? Double it. At minimum.
It took some time for things to get to their current state. So it’ll take a while to get out.

3. The process is tiring

Physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Clutter is just unmade decisions. So mentally, you’re going from not making any decisions to making bunches of them at once.
Emotionally, you may have negative, emotional ties to the clutter that are holding you back.

4. There could be tears

Crying is cleansing and makes it easier to move on. Just don’t wallow. Let them flow then let it go.

5. Break current habits

Build fresh, new habits: current habits created the current state! Change it and prevent it from reoccurring.

5 tips you really need to know about getting organized

While working through this change, be compassionate with yourself. Have patience. Soon the new habits will become second nature.


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