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5 steps to creating some fabulous organization

In a past post, I had explained to you the potential pitfalls to getting organized with 5 tips about. Now, it’s time to learn the steps to get through them and how to create some fabulous organization.
Here are 5 steps to creating some fabulous organization:

1. Later doesn’t exist

Keep telling yourself that you’ll do it “later?” No, just do it now. Every bit counts. Start in a small, defined area and hit it. Each small success boosts motivation!

2. Know the basics

Every room must have its purpose, so each item in the room must support that.
If an item is worthy of a valuable real estate in your home then it must be something you need, actually use and dearly love. Each of these items must also have a specific place where it lives in your home.

3. One step at a time

Set small goals to reach your big one.
While working, focus on one area at a time. Finish one room before moving to the next. Bouncing from place to place and room to room will only hold you back.

4. Commit to it daily

Don’t try to fix everything in a day.
Commit to 5, 15 or 30 minutes every day to get rid of clutter. This cultivates the habit of daily maintenance of your home which will keep you organized once you get there.

5. Enjoy the process

Can it feel tedious? Yes!
However, as you start letting go of what no longer serves you and see your new, organized home, everything becomes quicker and easier. The hardest part is getting started.

5 steps to creating some fabulous organization

Getting organized is a process.
Things will occasionally go awry, and that’s OK!
Just keep going. Reward yourself and celebrate each win, no matter how small. I recommend chocolate or anything else that you love. Stick through it and with time you’ll get there. You can do it!


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