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Spotlight on: Jenece from Glenheavenknits

I have a special guest on the blog today: Glenheavenknits! Jenece is a dyer located in Australia, who infuses her work with her love of yarn in order to bring more colors to her customers’ life.

Take a moment to get to know Jenece and her brand, Glenheavenknits! I’m sure you will fall in love with her magic.
Read the interview to learn more about her work.

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1. Tell a little about yourself.

You can never have too much color in your life
A little bit about me. I don’t remember learning to knit but my Mum tells me I was about 4 or 5. My Grandmother was always knitting and I think I just absorbed her love of all things woolly. Being left-handed was a challenge for anyone teaching me back in the Sixties!! My Mum, Sister and I have always got lots of unfinished projects stashed away in various hidey holes around our homes. I conquered Crochet only a few years ago after I taught myself by watching left-handers on YouTube.
As the headline says, you can never have too much color in your life…..
I sincerely hope you enjoy my yarns.

2. What inspired you to start your business as a dyer?

I have always been fascinated by the whole dyeing process and finally took the plunge to open my own Etsy Shop and have my first market stall at The Hills UPmarkets in Castle Hill, Sydney. Hopefully,
there will be many more to follow. Unfortunately, my life fell apart a little while ago and having my dyeing as given me the confidence to carry on and given my broken spirit a much-needed lift.

What is your favorite part about being a dyer?

It is amazing the amount of wonderful and supportive people that I have to meet through this journey and the surprise moments when you put some unexpected colors together and they just WORK!!

What’s your source of inspiration?

Nature and our amazing planet.

What makes your work special?

As my yarns are hand dyed or painted, each one is completely unique and each skein represents a little bit of my soul

You have a lot of beautiful skeins available, do you have a favorite shade?

I love them all, it’s always the most recent one that is my favorite, but if I had to choose, it would be anything with green in it.

What’s in store for the next season?

Some beautiful lace weight silk/merino is on its way and I can’t wait! Also, I am trying to promote local growers. The Australian Alpaca Industry is really starting to take off and I would like to be part of this growth.

Where can we find you?

Jenece Harrison
GlenheavenKnits – dye it beautiful
0419 898 397
Email: glenheavenknits@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glenheavenknits
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/glenheavenknits
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glenheavenknits

I was able to play around with her yarn Out Past the Heads, in shades of Ocean Blues. It is 8 ply DK, pure Australian-New Zealand merino yarn beautifully squishy!
Take a look at how it works up!

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