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Advent Calendar 2019: 24-simple patterns – Day 11

This advent calendar will bring you something new every day until Christmas: 24-simple advent patterns to offer an alternative to last-minute gifts.
I hope this is something that makes this time of year even more special to you.

Wishing you all a very merry advent time!

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Day 11 in the 24-simple advent patterns: Cozy can

My husband has a passion for sparkling flavored water and, of course, beer!
And maybe I still have time to knit some cozy can for all the men in my family before Christmas… Just maybe.

The Cozy can cover is knitted in the round from bottom up. The base is worked in a Garter Stitch pattern.
Stitches are then picked up along each side and the can is worked in the alternating smooth ridge stitch pattern, for textural and visual interest.
You need to know how to knit, purl, basic increase, and decrease.
The instructions are written in standard American terms. The pdf features photo support.
Knitting skill level: Easy, perfect project for new knitters

You can purchase the inexpensive pdf with both patterns and photo instructions for easy printing, on Etsy. 1$ will be donated, read more here!

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Needles: US size 8 (5 mm) 16” (40 cm) circular needle or US size 8 (5 mm) DPNS.
Yarn: Worsted (9 wpi) – Weight: Medium (4)
Yardage: 36 yd. / 33 m
Gauge: 16 sts and 20 rows = 4 in/10cm in pattern stitch in US size 8 (5 mm) needle in the rnd.
Other notions: Stitch markers, tapestry needle.
Sizing: Height: 11 cm (4.25″) – Diameter: 7 cm (2.75″)

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CO – cast on
K – knit
P – purl
PM – Place marker
Rnd(s) – round(s)
St(s) – stitch(es)

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Using DPNs needle or 30” (80 cm) circular needle, CO 8 sts and join in the rnd. PM to mark beg of rnd.

Work base increasing stitches in garter st for 10 rounds as follows:
Rnd 1: *kfb * (16 sts)
Rnds 2 and all even rounds: purl
Rnd 3: *K1, kfb * (24 sts)
Rnd 5: *K2, kfb * (32 sts)
Rnd 7: knit
Rnd 9: knit
Rnd 10: purl

Then work he main body in the alternating smooth ridge stitch pattern for 30 rounds as follows:
Rnd 1: k
Rnd 2: k
Rnd 3: k
Rnd 4: p
Repeat rounds (1-4) 8 times, for a total of 32 rounds.
Rnd 33: work the icord bind off.

You can purchase the inexpensive pdf with both patterns and photo instructions for easy printing, on Etsy. 1$ will be donated, read more here!

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