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5 Tips to Manage Home, Kids, and Business in a Pandemic

I want to encourage you that you will get through this, but it will take some adjusting like any other of lifeโ€™s circumstances that come your way.

If you’re having to change routines and manage home, kids, and business at home, I got you!
To help you out Iโ€™ve gathered up a few tips to help you manage both home and business if youโ€™re self-isolating or quarantined for two or more weeks with kids at home.

5 tips Manage Home, Kids, and Business in a Pandemic

  1. Wake up early
    You have to start getting up early to work now that the kids are home and your hands are full all day.
    Start small, like completing routine tasks (scheduling social media and proofreading, for example).
    I wake up at 5:30 for my two hours of business quiet time.
  2. Increase Your Productivity
    Set some designated work times. For me, that’s about two hours first thing in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. I don’t work after the kids go to bed, but you could do that.
    Involve the kids! If you have pictures to take or sketches that need to be done, try to find ways they can help.
  3. Tips for Schooling from Home
    I still don’t know how to survive being around kids 24/7. Homeschooling is scary for me but I love planning, so I took a deep breath and made an hour by hour schedule.
  4. Keep child busy after homeschool
    My kids have always had unstructured playtime. I donโ€™t sit down and entertain my kids. But most moms donโ€™t have the luxury of their kids playing together. But you can give ideas on what they can play: Legos, puzzles, coloring books, dress up, etc and then get out of their way!
    And yes, kids have to be on screens sometimes. Itโ€™s the only way to keep your sanity.
  5. Home cleaning
    If you havenโ€™t established cleaning routines yet, this is a perfect time! Daily cleaning routines work best when worked in routines. You want them to become a habit.
    As your kids grow, they can take on more responsibilities, and teach them to develop their own daily cleaning routines.

I hope you find these 5 tips to manage home, kids, and business in a pandemic helpful!

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