Be professional as a knit designer and having a professional behavior is crucial if you want to get work and keep on getting work in the knit design business.
Writing patterns for knitters may not be the easiest or the highest-paying gig around, but it is extraordinarily satisfying. Nothing compares to pulling an idea out of your brain and making it come to life, as if by magic, with nothing more than sticks and string. Even better, you get to feel that satisfaction again and again as knitters all over the world make their own versions of your creation.
But are you ready to professional enter the career of knitting pattern design?
What does this mean? Put on a business suit before you type up your pattern? No.
The professional sector of the knitting world is filled with funny people, and they’re remarkably laid back. The knitting community is, overall, a pretty warm and friendly one.
But this is still a business, and you need to treat it as such.
Be professional.
When you send a submission, consider it a job interview, because that’s what it is! Editors and publishers get multiply submissions for every slot in their magazine or book, this might be the editor’s first introduction to your work. Make it a positive one.
Emails and social media are an area where it’s very easy to slip into unprofessional behavior.
Remember that editors and other people you’d like to work with are also online and could possibly see what you write.
Be aware that deadlines are not negotiable, you are responsible for your own business so follow through when you commit.
Don’t take on more than you can reasonably handle and let editors know as soon as you can if a problem develops.

A disclaimer: I have seen the mistakes I talk about here. I’ve made most of them, honestly. That’s why I know they exist. Some of them I still make, even though I should know better.
Learn from my mistakes and you’ll be off to a good start on your own knitting pattern design journey!
You can’t be perfect, but you can be professional and stand out for that.