Please find out the easiest way to promote your knitting on Pinterest with me!
It is not a secret that I love Pinterest. I use it for decor, recipes, mood boards, and promoting my shop!
Pinterest isn’t a social media. It’s a search engine. And it’s growing and simple, so you can bet your buyer loves it! A successful shop is 20% making and 80% promoting, so promote it where you think your customers are hanging out.
I already talked about using Pinterest for directing sales as a knit designer and am now getting started using Pinterest to promote your knitting!
How to use Pinterest to promote your Knitting – getting started
1. Business account
You will need a business Pinterest account to connect your shop and add keywords to your Pinterest profile.
2. Boards
Adding relevant content to your boards, you tell Pinterest what that board is about and confirm it with the correct pins. Start to create some boards (5-8 min) to which you can pin your pins. Give your boards a straightforward board title, use your boards’ description to tell Pinterest what your board is about, and give your boards a category.
3. Pinning and repining
It can be tedious pinning and repining your stuff, but it is a job you must do to promote your shop! Pinterest does change, so you need to be prepared to adjust, amend and increase your pinning strategy.

This is a simple way to gain potential traffic to your shop for free. It is not difficult to create multiple pins for your shop.