I learned that there are determined tasks to tackle that offer the most significant impact when time is limited.
As you may know, I have three children and a spouse, my time is often limited in the morning.
I found a way to be productive despite all the time-suckers, a system that works, workflows that keep me focused, and still to have enough time to be present with my loved ones.
And no, I’m not particularly unique or gifted with superpowers.
Two important things before the start that I recommend for getting a handle on your time management and productivity:
1. Plan
As a knit designer working on multiple projects with different deadlines — magazines, collaborations, clients, etc. — you need clarity on your objectives at any given time.
A well-organized planner helps you chunk big ideas down, sequence them, and get them on your daily and weekly schedules.
2. Time-management
I’ve found the time-blocking system called the Pomodoro technique
to help complete my tasks. I use it even when I knit to stop and stretch my hands!
Tasks to tackle when there’s no time
In an hour or less
• Social media posts
• Respond to direct messages
• Comment on your post engagements
• Engage
• Research new accounts to follow
• Research interesting content to share with your followers
• Create an Instagram story
• Connect with pattern testers
• Share free patterns in Facebook groups
• Pay outstanding invoices
• Respond to emails
In a couple of hours
• Brainstorm new design ideas
• Take photos
• Upload a pattern to your platforms
• Create a behind the scenes video to share with followers
• Research SEO
• Begin a blog post
• Brainstorm your editorial calendar
• Work on your graphics
• Work on your media kit
• Type up your weekly newsletter
• Listen to a Podcast
• Research your competitor’s social media activity
• Write up a press release
• Clean wherever you make your maker-mess
• Hone in on your ideal customer
That’s a lot of things that you can complete!
I hope you’ve found something that will get find you maximizing your time and honing a strategy for your task to tackle as a knit designer.